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September Update from The Houses in Guyana

UCC Guyana

Proverbs 25:25- As cold water to weary soul, so is good news from a far country.

Hello from Guyana:

I hope everyone is doing well. We are getting more adjusted to life and to the heat in Guyana. Today [ October 17th,] the temperature is 92 with a low of 79 degrees. The traffic in Guyana is about three times more than when we lived here in the early 90’s until 2001. I have gotten used to driving here again even though it can be crazy at times especially in the capital city of Georgetown.

We have a new brother in Christ:

In my last report I wrote about studying with Randall Maniram. He is the husband of Nadira who has been a member at Plaisance since about 1997. I visited and studied with Randall a few times and he then made the decision to be baptized on September 21st, 2024. In my last report I wrote that he is 68 years old, but Randall is 74 years. Randall is a good man with a good heart. I visit him once a week and we study and pray together. He has been faithful in worship every Sunday morning and Wed nights along with his wife Nadira and daughter Alana.

The Plaisance Church of Christ Celebrates Its 34th anniversary.

The Plaisance congregation had its 34th anniversary on September 29th, 2024. We had 50 that attended, and we had a great worship and fellowship. Witfield Collins, the local preacher at Plaisance and me spoke about fifteen minutes a piece to encourage the congregation to stay faithful to the Lord and His church to help Plaisance grow now and for the future. Witfield has been with the church at Plaisance for the past twenty years. I spoke also about the history of the congregation going back to September of 1990 as I was blessed to be here along with the Vanzandt’s when the congregation was established on September 23rd, 1990.

Plaisance has been blessed with many campaigns, VBS’s, and medical crusades since the 90’s. We are thankful for men like Charles Box who led many campaigns when we lived here from 1990- 2001. We are blessed to have the University Church of Christ in Montgomery, Al to help us in the Lord’s work in Guyana now. We are thankful for everyone who has been involved and those who support us in the Guyana work.

Personal Report.

I am preaching at Plaisance twice a month, and teaching bible class on Sunday morning twice a month. Witfield and I take turns preaching and teaching every month. I also teach every Wed night.

I am visiting with members and others in the Plaisance area on a weekly basis. The church in Guyana struggled because of COVID for a few years, but some members are starting to come back to worship again as Witfield, me, and others encourage them.

Naiome and I go to Industry on Sunday nights to encourage them. I preach twice a month there on Sunday nights. Floyd Cato is the preacher there. Floyd has been at Industry about twenty years. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon I go with Floyd in the Industry are to encourage errand members and faithful members. We also are trying to reach those who have never obeyed the Gospel of Christ.

This is one of the brothers at Industry that Floyd and I visited a few weeks ago, he had quit coming to church but has since been restored.  Every time we visit him, he gives us a big bag of starfruit.

Thank you for being co-workers with us in the Guyana work. We love and appreciate everyone for your support and encouragement in the Lord’s work in Guyana.

In His Service,

Bruce House


Naiome’s Corner

Hello everyone:

Hope this newsletter finds you all doing well.  We are doing well, just staying busy.  September has been a busy month, but then I feel like every month is a busy month down here 😊

Little Miss Keisha had her 4th birthday.  We celebrated with cupcakes (no butter cream frosting this time 😊, the last time it was a disaster in this heat) in Sunday school and the church sang happy birthday to her at the end of morning services. She is a sweetheart!!

Sunday school continues to go well. We talked about Jesus is King and here is a picture of Chloe with her crown.  They love doing crafts here and I try to do a craft every week. Here is also a picture of the craft we did as we talked about the Sower and the Seeds. I tried to use stuff that the kids are familiar with here, it’s supposed to be a flower 😊




It’s always so good to have visitors.  On September 22nd, we had Moses and Donna Lall visited us at the Plaisance congregation, they live in Canada and was in Guyana visiting family.  They were some of our first converts in Guyana when the church started at Plaisance.  I remembered us taking Donna to the hospital almost 28 years ago and bringing her and baby Lisa home.  They have three kids who are all grown up.

September 29th, we celebrated Plaisance Church of Christ 34th anniversary as Bruce mentioned above.  We met at the building the day before to decorate and do some preparation. Below they are grating coconuts for the cook up rice – it is made with beans, rice, coconut milk and lots of seasoning. The next picture is Roxane and Ingrid making flowers, they are both very faithful members of the church at Plaisance. The balloon ring was made by Clare Prince’s daughter in law, she is very talented.  The flower arrangement was made by Randall (whom Bruce baptized) daughters Alana and Ana Marie.  We are so blessed to have so many talented people!

We met early that Sunday morning to cook for the anniversary. We cooked on two big firesides outside, the menu was cook-up and chicken, we cooked for 75 but it seems like it was for 100 😊.  The food was very good. Below is a picture of Mohan and Clare cooking and a picture of the cake we ordered.

On a personal note, I am doing well health wise.  I was able to find an endocrinologist here and have been managing my diabetes. My mom has not been doing the best, as she has fallen twice in two months.  I am thankful to be able to be here to help my sister take care of her. 

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has made it possible for us to be here, we thank God daily for you as we work for His cause.   Thank you so much to the University Church of Christ for being our overseeing congregation in this great work.

In Christian love

Naiome House



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